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Retirement Villages

How do retirement villages work and what are their benefits?


Retirement villages suit the younger, healthier, retiree.

Younger retirees, in their sixties, or fit and active older people often move into a retirement village, to make their lives easier and simpler and enjoy an active lifestyle. 

There is usually room to park a caravan or a boat and they can leave their homes in safe hands while they go travelling.

Retirement Villages are usually built as a group of individual, semi-detached or attached units within a village setting. They offer a secure environment, with help at the touch of a button, but with a large degree of independence

The residents share common facilities, such as a community centre, dining room and sports facilities, but have the choice of joining in activities only when it suits them. This type of accommodation appeals to people who want a communal lifestyle that offers companionship and some security in a maintenance-free environment.

Visit as many villages as possible to ensure you choose the right one for your parents. 

Look at the facilities and range of services offered by each village and talk to residents about their relationship with village management and their experience of village life. 

Before making a decision it is essential to seek independent legal advice about the contract. It is important to make sure your parents do not tie up all their money in the facility, and are able to move out of the facility if they want to, without incurring huge costs.

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