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Party Games

It's my party and I'll play if I want to


This party game list is intended as a starting point as there are many other games and activities.

The Straw and Smarties Game

This can also be played with dried peas [for older children] rather than Smarties but make sure the peas are much larger than the hole of the straw to avoid them being sucked up.

Divide the children into pairs and give each one a straw. The idea is to plunge the straw into the bowl and suck through it to catch a pea or smartie before transporting it to a small bucket or plate shared by the pair. 

Give them a time limit - one minute, perhaps a countdown [or use an egg timer.] If they play with peas, whichever pair has collected most wins a prize. Children should be supervised at all times when playing this game.

Doughnut Game

Hang a row of Doughnuts on a string from a branch or clothesline. Ensure their hands are behind their backs the children have to catch the doughnut in their mouth and take a bite. [No using their hands] The person who gets through their doughnut first is the winner.

The prize is to eat the whole doughnut.

If the doughnut falls you're disqualified. You can use apples but they are hard to bite through. Another version is to use lollies there is a lot of variety out there. Would be great if you are having a theme party to look for something to go with your theme.

Cut The Chocolate

Organise the children sit in a circle on the floor. In the centre have a large block of chocolate on a board, with a knife and fork. 

Next to the board lie three pieces of clothing [adult size- shirt, hat, shoes, or dress up costumes to go with your party theme]. The aim is someone throws the dice they need to get a six, first person to get the six, the game begins, they put on the clothes first, then cut the chocolate [one square to be eaten at a time] please do not allow them to put the fork into their mouths, encourage them to use their fingers. 

Whilst they are eating the dice has been continuing around the circle. If a child is halfway through dressing up and a six is has been thrown they have to quickly get undressed. This is a fun game; you may need to monitor the amount of chocolate as some children may over indulge.


This is a great game, and even more fun if the birthday child is creative and can make their own Piñata before the party.

What you need to make a Piñata:

  • Lollies 
  • A balloon
  • Torn up newspaper
  • PVA glue
  • Varnish

First, blow up the balloon and put the lollies inside. Then stick newspaper over the balloon in layers, the more layers the better. When the layers are fully dry pop the balloon.

Decorate the Piñata with paints and any other craft materials you might have available, then varnish it. Hang the Piñata from a tree or the washing line using a piece of strong string.

Put a blindfold around the child, spin them around 3 times then give them a hard bat or stick to hit the Piñata with. Each guest takes a turn until the Piñata has been broken. When the contents fall out, the children can share them.

Depending on how many children you have attending the party and their ages you may need more than one Piñata.

If you don't have time to make a Piñata you can purchase them from various stores. Children will need to be supervised when playing this game.

If you are looking for parties to suit an older child try this article.

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