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Double Trouble

When 1 becomes 2


Unplanned and already parents of a three month old baby girl, Simone Perkins was preparing for baby number two. 

Here she shares what to expect, and offers hope at the end of the sleepless tunnel. 

Six Weeks and Counting

The first six weeks of looking after a newborn can be very taxing on both parents. Especially if your child suffers from colic. 

The good news is that most babies will settle down after three months and although still a handful, new parents can finally get some sleep to recharge their very tired batteries.

There are numerous differences in rearing two young children versus one. These include:


Time previously spent recouping once you have put one child to sleep is no longer available. When one child is in bed, the other is often awake and vice versa. If only they would synchronise.


Housework doesn't happen, unless you were blessed with angel children. Often, the best time to tidy up is at night when all are in bed. What about employing a casual cleaner or nanny?


It's surprising how much money a small human being can cost in extra food, clothing and of course, nappies. Be ready!  


Basic needs like going to the shops can now be a major ordeal. Imagine carting two babies in and out of their car safety seats or capsules, then into a pram, and then into a busy supermarket. The aim is to try to zip around before one of the them becomes frustrated. Good luck.

Extra Limbs 

You need them. For the first time in your life you will begin to see yourself as an octopus, juggling bottles and babies will become routine. 


Prepare for a change in the way you communicate and socialise. You will often feel too exhausted for both. This will pass as your children become more settled and sleep longer than a couple of hours.

And remember, just when you think you can't feed another mouth or change another nappy, the joy of having two unique, beautiful children will make it all worth while.

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