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Diversity at Work

And in teams


“Diversity” is a word that is often used in workplaces but is rarely understood by people.

Diversity has a broad meaning and is more than supporting Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) (e.g. ground such as race, gender, marital status etc) or Affirmative Action (AA) programs.

Diversity encompasses any differences amongst individuals, includes all of the differences that make us unique and it includes everyone.

  • Abilities, aptitudes & interests
  • Work experience, work skills, industry, background
  • Perception
  • Motivation
  • Learning styles
  • Personality, attitudes and values

One of the easiest ways to look at diversity is through the 3 views of diversity

Primary Personal Visible
This means the differences in people that we might be able to see. e.g. We may be able to see characteristics such as gender, colour, nationality/race, mobility, age and physical characteristics such as height.

Secondary Personal Non Visible
This means the differences in people that we can’t neccessarily see. e.g. family status, cultural beliefs, values, qualifications or certificates, interests/hobbies, sports, political beliefs, job skills, education/schooling levels, race and country of origin.

Organisational View

This means the differences in people within organisations. Again some of these differences we can see and some we can’t. This view relates to characteristics that are particular to a workplace or organisation and includes; level in the organisation, role/job, qualifications/certificates, years of service and experience on the job.
All of these views combine to make diversity and to make us unique.

Interestingly, sometimes the characteristics that make us unique are also shared by others and therefore create areas of common interest.


What is the value of diversity in the workplace?

Different people bring different knowldege, skills and and experiences to the workplace so this can help teams

  • to be more creative in the way they work
  • solve problems better and faster
  • to think of new ideas and ways of working
  • to be more interesting and diverse because everyone is different and not the same
  • bring new skills and experiences into the team that didn’t exist before

Diversity in the workplace is not without its challenges. Sometimes the differences in people can be hard to understand or work with in a team.

The important aspect of diversity is to remember that everyone regardless of their diversity has a right to be treated with respect and dignity. For individuals at work this also means that regardless of what you may think or feel personally about diversity that when you enter the workplace diversity is neutral and any personal opinions that may offend or upset others are left at the door.

The workplace is a melting pot of diversity that when uitlised well can create opportunities to maximise team and organisational effectiveness for everyone.

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